(Thoughts, such as beliefs; "evaluating" thoughts, such as good, bad; when practiced often, the self-talk tends to disappear from awareness, but it must be there, as it is impossible for it to be otherwise. The point here is you might "fill in" the thoughts that you are not aware but which you can deduce might or must be there.)
Space out, so can answer/correct/debate on opposite side. Reprint this page if more space needed.
Types of thoughts: ___ Danger, threat; ___ I’m bad; ___ I’m not good enough (version of); __ I’m powerless.
Eventually after each belief, if appropriate, it is useful to provide "evidence", i.e. say what your mind thinks is supporting evidence for the belief. In Section E., you'd ordinarily either dispute the evidence or provide evidence that supports the new belief that replaces the old belief.