(To read the absolutely vital footnotes in a "Word" document on the internet, under "view" click "print layout" or put cursor over the footnote number.)
See the sidebar for directories.
This page is essentially a reading list, to read in this order. You may want to scan to see what is on this page, to get your bearings and plan on what to read.
The purpose of my putting together this section, when so much other material is available en masse, is: To find and use the most efficient way to feeling great and living a quality life longer:
You may wish to slam all the key items into place in less than a day under the Energy Increasers section of The Quickest Life Improvers. This is an option for you to consider, where you can get most of the benefits in place very quickly and then go back and do te full planning and implementation of refinements and other improvements you may choose.
First, measure: Test Now! What is your real health age?
Then plan: Use the forms provided, see below, to help plan and implement
You should end up with a list of your top physical goals for the year, three, five
and 10 years (see below for forms, etc.).
To help you plan, look at and use these:
page placing the changes to make in order of their impact on your
health. Which things you've heard of or had suggested to you make
the biggest difference and which are most feasible to implement?
areas and overall. Very worthwhile!
and which should you commit to from diet, exercise, to deep
relaxation and ergonomics and more.
Then manage and monitor
Monitoring - An essential process of accountability and clarity to help
achieve goals effectively.
Other materials and resources are included, for your use when needed, but do glance at them below.
You can use the master navigating tool for this section to go to any item or area of interest.
That directory will include such specific topics as:
AIR QUALITY - One of our major systems so it is worth taking care of!
sinuses, sleep, teeth...
plus more energy.
ENERGY Page - What is worth the payoff in energy, how to make it easier
ILLNESSES - Treating them, simply. Colds. Pain. Where to go for medical information!
NUTRITION - What's best and most practical? Includes:
Efficient preparation - Saving time galore! Yet eating well.
RELAXATION - This page has some excellent, easy methods that will increase your health and
mental state.
STRESS - A psychological cause but a physical effect that is intolerable.
WEIGHT - Using the principles that make it easier and more effective long term. And why you're
not losing weight - the physical factors that should be addressed first.
(Some are already listed above.)
THE PHYSICAL GOALS WORKSHEET PACKET - Both short form and the long, more complete form, assessing and setting goals in every area from body health measures to sleep to addictions to losing weight and more. Includes Body Mass Index table, what you use food for.
MANAGING YOUR PHYSICAL RESOURCES - What practices are you doing and which should you commit to from diet, exercise, to deep relaxation and ergonomics and more. Also, list your top physical goals for the year, three, five and 10 years.
Your key textbooks will be: You: The Owner's Manual, Roizen and Oz, with the alternative of You: Staying Young by them also.
For diet: Read Roizen and Oz, You: On A Diet.
MONITOR FOR MAXIMUM RESULTS AND EASE: (Monitoring is essential to achieving a goal!)
tracking what key exercises you've done and how you've eaten, daily. Doesn't
track weight (see below for that).
habits, subtracting points for some.
perspective, it is harder to tell where you've been and how you're really doing.
by day plus exercise.
Do this RIGHT NOW! This is something you can't put off any more. IT'S YOUR VERY LIFE!
Life Expectancy - Testing for what is your real age and knowing how you can
affect it, while avoiding being the victim of myth or ignorance!
"real" physical age.
www.mayoclinic.com - One of the best sources I've seen. Without all the ads or any biases.
www.realage.com - For great information and testing online. Find out your "real" physical age.
Life Expectancy - Testing for what is your real age (see above) and knowing how you
can affect it, not buying into myths.
Supporting Structures/Systems - Essential for the greatest progress!
Set up a notebook (or a thin Binder) for putting items you need to have accessible to
refer to immediately, including, if not appropriate in another place, weight, eating,
monitoring, exercise and stretching routines and pictures of what to do, and other
items, such as back care. Include printouts from this site and use labelled dividers.
Use experts and programs! - Obviously, use fitness trainers, nutritionists, weight loss
programs, and other relevant professionals to help in the process.
Time: 3+ hours/week for good health care - At least (find the time!), with at least 1/2 hour spent on educating yourself (see the resources list) until you become "knowledgeable" and healthy. Plan on doing this for six months. It's worth the investment. (Study the pieces, all short, below to get a quick overview and to be efficient with your time.)
Now on a separate page, which will gradually expand from this.
and what a complete exam says.
Sinuses - Relief! Don't try the wrong things... See Illnesses, colds.
"plays" to create to empower and/or just to feel good.
most common, next to colds.
HARMFUL PRACTICES (See also, Psychology, Emotional Management, Addictions)
WEIGHT Although it was not my intent to have this much on the site, I couldn't find resources that would be as direct and easy to use, except for the few sited. So, click on the Weight to go to the section.