Rate these on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being highest and 5 being average and 1-2 being poor and below average. Note that average is not a good standard to shoot for. If you would like to have a higher rating than you have, place an x next to your rating so that it will serve as a basis for learning more.
___ OPTIMISTIC VIEWPOINT INSTALLED, yet able to switch to hard
reasoning when needed (the latter is very important!!!!).
___ GRATITUDE, express appreciation of self and of others, satisfied with life
___ Realistic expectations of life, relationships, personal psychology
___ Not resist life as it is, strong acceptance
___ REALISTIC VIEW OF SELF - High self-esteem within that view
___ Limits self primarily to what is CONTROLLABLE, with very little effort
on the uncontrollable
___ Confidence in ability to make oneself happy in any future circumstance,
___ Zero complaints/gossiping, only bring things up for a constructive
___ No need for approval, though it is preferred (of course)
___ Positive, clear statements with regard to life, self, others
___ Strong physical care (so:
___ able to handle stress,
___ no unstable energy or anxiety producing practices,
___ rest,
___ exercise)
___ Cultivate being calm and centered in one's self
___ EFFECTIVE REJUVENATION TIME vs. just distraction or escape