The "Always" Commitment
Once this decision is made...
Commit to "what"?
My 100% commitments
Deciding what you might commit to?
Examples of "Always" Commitments

"There is a difference between interest and commitment.  when you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient.  when you're committed to something, you
accept no excuses, only results."            
                                                            Ken Blanchard , author of The One Minute Manage


There are some commitments where a partial target does not work.  For instance, only drinking one drink a night won't work for an alcoholic.  Or, perhaps, one ice cream a week might not work for a food-aholic?   A "depressaholic" feeds off of cycles started with negative thoughts and then keeps feeding on them, like an alcoholic.  Any "addiction" won't work for a partial target commitment.

There are some commitments where it is best not to commit to doing them 4 days a week, because we tend to put them off for 3 days and then somehow get screwed up and are not able to do all of the next 4 days. 

Anything that is harder to do, or more likely to fail, at 95% than a 100% should be a 100% commitment.   It's also whenever you tend to come up with excuses more than just once in a great while.  An example of an excuse would be "I simply couldn't resist it because my blood sugar was low" as if that was a permanent excuse that couldn't be handled earlier in the causal chain.


Once this decision and commitment is made, one never needs to think about it in terms of "should I or shouldn't I?" or  "maybe just a little cheating". 

A decision and commitment to fidelity must be 100%, for in a difficult situation it is not going to work to decide at the time, especially where any emotions and temptations are involved.

This is a "no matter what" commitment.  No circumstances, no persuasion, no allowances for "being weak."  It is a clear, never to be broken commitment. 

(See how to make the decision in the first place:  Problem-solving, Decision-Making.)


Once such a decision is made "peace of mind" tends to result,  partly from knowing you'll never have to deal with the difficulty again and partly from the confidence that comes from sticking to an absolute - you will, I guarantee, add to your self-regard.

It also gives you the full delivery of the benefit you made the commitment about in the first place. 


You can't commit to a result that is not in your control.  The commitments here tend to be related to "process", which is to do the steps (or not do the steps) that lead to some personal victory.  That personal victory may lead to more benefits also, for that is the reason you made the commitment.  One can commit to never smoke again, to only eating pre-portioned meals,  to stretch 5 minutes a day minimum, and so on.


I, Keith Garrick, make these commitments this 19th day of October, 2009, because I have decided that the benefits are more than well worth it and that the payoffs of not doing it are not worth it! 

This is my absolute commitment for now and the rest of my life.  I make these commitments because this is what works.  I am absolutely convinced that this is an excellent decision and I choose to cut myself off from any exit or even small cracks. 

From this day forward, forever, I commit to:

Never, ever, ever starting a Spider Solitaire game, as I know "one is never enough" and it creates bad effects that are not worth it.

Never, ever, ever eating gratuitously any flour product or sugar (except for those that are part of the overall meal).  I make this commitment clearly and draw the line so that I can be assured of maintaining a good, top, healthy weight and for my general health also.  As a part of that commitment, I do not keep any of these in my home.  (This excludes eating 1 Clif bar, or equivalent, if I am hungry and in a place where I can't find a more substantial meal, plus one cafe mocha.  [I put those in there as it still gives me a possible "treat" and makes it pretty darned easy to keep this commitment.]  I didn't list my commitment to never eat fried foods again, as that is now part of the fiber of my being.)

Do each and every day at least 5 minutes of stretching or yoga before starting my day.  I make this commitment in order to help start the day off feeling better and feeling good about myself, and to start my metabolism off better, to think better and for general health. 

Never, ever, ever go to bed after midnight when there is a choice.  I commit to this because it will serve me in regards to treating my body well, more consistent wakefulness, better rest and energy, starting off my day earlier (which feels better), being up during all the sun hours.

Signed _______________________
          Keith Garrick


As a human being, you will have had a problem with some so-called commitments that you've let slide and felt a bit of failure about.  Yes, you rationalize it or go along with the culture about it, but you still don't quite feel good about. 

You also may feel that you're a liar in a particular commitment area - and that does not feel good in the present and in the long term, especially as regards your self-regard. 

So, at the end of this piece, we list a few ideas.  Right now you can sit down and immediately, without thinking about it, write down 10 things you have difficulty with or are doing that you don't want to continue doing or that you feel bad about. Then come up with a commitment that is possible to be 100% about. 

Cleaning the house every day is not a commitment you are likely to keep, so don't start it.  Cleaning the house every day for 5 minutes or more is one you could keep.  That's ok.

Staying positive all the time is not a commitment that is keepable for anyone, even the Dalai Lama.  But reading one's positive affirmations every day is a keepable one. 

Even better than some small benefit item, like cleaning the house,  is making a commitment to something that will really make a difference in your life.

Write down right now the list of undesired results, behaviors, etc., that you want to see be different , then go back and see which ones you will address.  After you write the list, look at the examples later and see if you want to add one of those.
Remember when making a commitment to specify why you are making it!!!!!


Full fidelity
To never, ever, ever entertain a negative thought for more than two minutes.     
    (You will have to develop a way of not violating that, as part of your
To never drink an alcoholic drink.
To never, ever speak ill of another person.
To read at least 10 of my positive affirmations every day for the rest of my life.
To never smoke again.
To never allow myself to go above ____ lbs.

For additional ideas, look in these sections:  

    Power In Life,


Yes, you can make "100% commitments" that are for a specified period but which include a 100% behavior.  But make them for long enough to accomplish your goal. 

Examples of goals that one might have for a specified period might be in the weight management area or developing a skill or new profession. 

You might say "I'm 100% committed to not eating sugar or flour until I reach ___ lbs."  In this case, you need to be cautious, as eating a particular way might best be a life-time lifestyle change, avoiding the common mistakes that lead one to gain back weight. 

Another example might be something like "For the next year, I am 100% committed to studying at least one hour a day on ______________"

When someone is just developing a muscle, then we could justify setting a short term goal, or even if it is a difficult one to keep for a longer period.  An example would be to say no negative things for the next 10 days.  Is it doable? Is it clear?  Is it a strong commitment?  If all the answers are yes, then it qualifies as a 100% commitment.


Right this moment, write down as many possible 100% commitments that you can think of.  Then select which ones you will start off with and write out your commitment and sign it.