Concept 1: Unless you learn enough "dots" (information), you cannot "connect the dots" of how to effectively get the results you want in your life. You need to get to where you know enough to actually get the results - and to avoid the common mistake of stopping short - where you know "about" something, but not enough to get the actual result. The point of life is to get the results - and to avoid the frustration of not quite knowing enough to implement successfully. Read Authentic Learning and Mastery Learning, which is actually doing the art of "sufficient" but not excessive, high effort, low payoff learning.
Let's be clear that we are first to learn that which is "sufficient" to get the desired results at, say, "Level 1". This will give us the fastest boost in results in our lives, so we will do it in each of the key life areas before we go on to learn more in those areas. Learning more, above sufficiency, will have less return per hour than the initial big gains from initial learning, but it will still be incredibly worthwhile toward gaining an even higher level of living life. (See and understand The Principle Of Sufficiency.)
Concept 2: The idea of "limited awareness" as being the cause of "problems" and NOT the person. This takes some more reading, but the end result, once you understand it, is that you drop all self-criticism and blame and live in the "no fault" paradigm of life. This will effectively eliminate a huge part of unhappiness - and you'll be much, much, much happier! Read The Reasoning For No Blame.
"I knew better. I shouldn't have done it."
No, you didn't know better, or you would have done better!
There's a huge difference between knowing "about" and knowing "enough" to put all the pieces into action.
The test of knowing better is only in getting the results - knowing enough of what to do, including handling one's psychology.
Intelligent Awareness And Sufficient Knowing - A simple idea, but one that can lead you to
1. Never making yourself wrong for 'not knowing' (and simply accepting mistakes as only a sign of not knowing) and
2. Simply having life be about "oh, I apparently don't know that right now, so I need to learn it" - not as a "make wrong" or a "feel bad" but simply as an objective observation completely free of feeling bad about it.
People who don't know the difference between "knowing of" and "sufficient awareness" are those who say things like "well, she's aware of what to do, but she still doesn't do it!" (Usually followed by a "make-wrong" statement...) These people make the same mistake with themselves: they think they are aware and that they should be getting better results, so they often fault themselves.
The point here is they don't get the results they want for a reason!!! They don't understand fully what sufficient awareness is, so naturally they don't tend to achieve it!!!!
I. 'Nuf knowledge + 'nuf reasoning + 'nuf perceptiveness = 'Nuf awareness
II. 'Nuf awareness = Getting what you want from life
III. Not getting what you want = Not 'Nuf awareness
If you don't get what you want, that is an absolute indicator that you have insufficient knowing. (Of course! But people often do not take the clue to learn more and implement a new strategy!)
Repeating this again:
1. Sufficient knowledge + using reasoning and realistic perceptiveness =
Sufficient Awareness
2. Sufficient Awareness = That which it takes to get what you want from life
3. Not getting what you want from life indicates not enough awareness.
4. Therefore, the solution is eliminating the lack of awareness and the lack of knowledge that underlies that. And it is not in the fault of the person.]
The people who are not intelligently aware do not have all the pieces of the puzzle, so they cannot see the whole picture, have the perspective, and fully see what works. 'Aware' means seeing all the pieces. 'Intelligent' means applying understanding and thinking to put the pieces together in a way that works to get the desired result. (All of us are intelligent enough to do that, as a high IQ is not what is the determinant. The determinant is applying your ability to think, similar to the idea of applied intelligence vs. passive intelligence or ability.)
The person who doesn't lose weight despite lots of reading and "knowledge" is still missing something, or the person would lose the weight! Missing is the understanding of why the change should be made (health, energy, how one feels about oneself) and how to fulfill the need that it seems is being met by the eating - they simply don't know (aren't aware of) something else that is necessary and which works to meet the need. Often they haven't even actually identified the need accurately.
Intelligence: Perception, discernment; use of the faculty of thought and reason in solving problems, directing conduct, etc. effectively.
As you can see it is not about just "knowing of" something, it is about sufficient looking into it until one perceives sufficiently enough to clearly discern what the differences and critical factors are and, in the process, being careful to apply reason.
While intelligence is not fixed, as it can be changed, we think often think of intelligence as a "trait" we have that measures our ability - and if we don't have a high enough I.Q. then we think less of our ability. But virtually all of us have sufficient ability, "sufficient intelligence," (regardless of whether or not some have more) to use our faculty of thought and reason. This is about "applied intelligence" not some great passive, underutilized ability.
Note that people with higher I.Q.s are not happier than those people with lower I.Q.s.
And the reason is that those people have not applied their faculty of thought and reason to become intelligently aware enough of what it takes to be happy.
So, the concept here is that we can reach the high effectiveness level that comes from intelligent awareness simply through applying the faculty of thought and reason to learn the necessary nuances and ways of achieving whatever we want. There is no mysterious force behind it. It is simply a "doing".
A person dealing intelligently with life would not waste time "resisting" or denying reality, but would instead ask what is real, what is the truth. The person would accept reality, especially since there is no other choice that makes sense at all.
This person simply reasons why, for the positive, and why not, for the negative.