Pre-note: The validity of this will be gradually learned as you go through the program. For now, just read it and become familiar with it and accept the possibility of its being true.
"You are not your awareness – you are that which is aware. Your Awareness is the clarity with which you perceive and understand, both consciously and non-consciously, everything that affects your life.
You are entitled to neither credit nor blame for your Awareness since it is the automatic product of your heredity, you intuitional insights and total life experience. And, at any given instant it simply is what it is, frozen in space and time.
You can do only what your Awareness indicates you would rather do than not do, for your ultimate need is to “feel good.” Therefore, you invariably do what you think will make you feel best under the prevailing circumstances. Thus, you can act only as “good” or wisely as your prevailing Awareness permits.
You are not your actions – you are that which acts. Your actions are but the means, as determined by your prevailing Awareness, to satisfy your dominant needs. Consequently, you cannot prove your worth by your achievements. By the same token, mistakes, defeats and failures cannot make you unworthy or “less than.”
Now since your awareness determines everything you do and since you are not your Awareness, any fault in your behavior or endeavors lies not in you but in your limited or distorted Awareness. Thus, you are never to blame or subject to shame or embarrassment for your actions, no matter how unacceptable or destructive the consequences may be.
Nevertheless, you are responsible for everything you do, for you cannot possibly avoid the consequences, no matter how “good,” “bad” or indifferent they may be – in other words, aside from any benefits, you can never escape paying whatever price is demanded for your actions. Thus, like it or not, you are in charge of your own life, and inescapably responsible for your own well-being.
The choice is ever yours – and also the consequences!"
From L.S. Barksdale’s Observable Reality Of Human Behavior, in the book Essays On Self-Esteem, an ebook copy of which is on this site: Links Barksdale Books.