Without this, you'll be far, far less happy and fit
Learn it, please!
What do I need to keep in balance?
Hey, seriously, this is an emergency!
Dear Barbara, you must commit!
Without learning this and without being persuaded to honor the realities, your life wil be far, far less happy and your body will serve you poorly, likely even losing years of life and years of quality living.
Although the body is built remarkably strongly, it is still flesh and blood and has its limits.
We evolved extremely well, but we didn't evolve beyond the physical capabilities we needed as a caveman - so why do we assume that we can keep on going without honoring those limits?
Ignorance probably. Many of us operate totally at the "duh" level.
So, let's solve that right now.
Learning what the limits are and learning how to keep the balance more in the middle are the two pieces to master.
As cavemen, we did need and crave sugar, for that was what kept us alive in some form. When there was famine, systems kicked in to save energy and accumulate energy storage in terms of fat. (Boy, we sure have abused the latter, as I don't see any famine coming very soon!)
Anything that when out of balance causes ill effects - especially the biggees.
The biggees
Maintaining energy reserves - Not going to the limits, avoiding crashing and real damage. This is the surge-recover cycle that we need to honor.
Glucose stability - Lack of which excessively strains our heart, arteries, many organs and ruins energy.
Thought/emotional balance - Constant stressing here not only creates unhappiness but also wipes out the body.
Tension/nontension balance - Although this relates to the other three, the body can't handle the strain too long without starting to malfunction, plus it uses up an enormous amount of "energy".
You can't continue to stress your body and your psyche - and most Americans are doing both. They get into a downward syndrome of being fat and unhealthy and/or depressed, anxious, and stressed.
This is what I am saying to Barbara (click to see more about her journey to success, not quite completed yet).
You've managed to work yourself into a corner with your thinking and behaviors having created such stress that you are in the exhaustion stage, Stage III Of Stress (see Effects Of Stress). If you traced the "path" on the site, you'd see this was under Psychology, Emotion Management, Anxiety And Fear, though stress is experienced via physical manifestations also.
The Stage III exhaustion stage you've reached has a double edged sword to it. You not only are not as strong physically but you also are not as strong psychologically, so that it is difficult not to overreact and/or to control the process.
But you must - and as soon as possible. If you don't, you'll go into stress oblivion and not be as happy as you deserve to be. If you don't do it soon, then you'll waste time not feeling good, when you could have created an excellent foundation for feeling good.
We not only need you to commit, but we need you to do it now and to do a 100% commitment in at least several pieces.
You've got to be meticulous about not letting anything get in the way.
You must stop any stressors - and perhaps give up on some things that are less valuable. Maybe you'll have to not win some battles (in other words don't engage in them in the first place, as they are incredible stress producers and we can't afford any more stress in your situation if you're going to get well soon!). And you'll have to prioritize rest and composure above striving for excellence or filling the compulsion to accomplish.
You one key goal, which will later permit the other goals to happen, right now is to get back into balance. See the Rx For Stress section, check off those actions you'll do and get really good at, and do the written commitment at the end of that section.
We need you to get really, really good at creating and maintaining balance - so we can continue to climb the mountain to your goal of happiness. The non-stressing must come first before we can handle the rest. And part of that will be the thought control aspect of it, mentioned in that section.
I look forward to seeing that recovery and to seeing you come out of the fog and into the sunlight of happiness. You are, of course, capable of doing that. All we need from you is that commitment.
Will you make it, now?!!