A powerless, dependent (helpless) child sees anything beyond play as "difficult" or "hard to do" or "self-sacrificing" or "interfering with play and getting in one's way". 

As one gets more wise, one sees everything in terms of "I can buy this for that much cost and it seems like a good trade-off so I'll do it." 

There is no "difficulty" about it, just a recognition of the cost and a "so what" about it having to cost something since everything costs something. 

They are aware that they are adding something positive, a "net" positive, if you will. 

(A "net" positive results when this is greater positive effect than negative effects or "costs".  When the latter is subtracted from the positives, there is a net positive left over.) 

They do not become anxious about losing the time spent, as they are thinking of the net gain that will be achieved - and they are happy about that. 


Difficulties are perceived by the brain (the mind) when it receives a message that it interprets as there being a danger of losing something , so it fights it. The primitive brain is prone to add other meanings and to exaggerate, for that is what worked to protect one so that one would survive.  The exaggeration, though you're not often conscious of the actual thought might include the conclusiong that "this will lead to disaster". 

It is essential that you know how the brain works, so that you can work the brain to your advantage(!) and so that your brain will not work you into a state of fright and paralysis.


To handle this with the primitive brain, you [I see you as the higher brain] need to diminish the loss or accentuate the gain, so that the primitive brain is not doing so much of what it does so well, protect you.  You want something that you think is positive.  The primitive brain interprets something as being a loss, and accordingly a threat, so it puts a stop to things or pushes in the opposite direction.  That is called resistance. 

That resistance is just a mechanical process. 


The "great psychological explanations" attribute this to "the ego" having destructive ambitions or wanting to enhance itself and its power.  

Well, that is pure, absolute bullbleep. 

I defy you to find such a creature in you. 

When we "personify" things we create imaginary power "out there" and separate intent.  

Again, I repeat, the brain is simply a mechanical process that is excellent at carrying out what it has to do to survive (and experience pleasure). 

There is no evil "being" in there, no devil, no "child".   It is simply something that is on your side (i.e. trying for your survival, which is a bit like intent, though it does not have anything more than mechanics in it).

So, once you understand and believe the truth in that, you can simply set it up so that the reasons for resistance are diminished or eliminated and the reasons for acting in parallel with what you want are clearly communicated to the machine.  Of course, it is best to  monitor the machine during the process, correcting as needed. 

Note that the machine is pretty transparent, in that it sends out signals.  Those signals are in the form of chemicals with some electrical power used in the process. 

We can "feel" (have a sensation of, if we pay attention) those chemicals.  We have names for the combinations of chemicals and generally categorize them as
"emotions".  Chemicals cause us to get into motion to do something to effect the "out there" that we want to correct.  The "e" in emotion means "out", as it means in exit.  

Note that the wiser of us will learn to just observe chemicals (or discomforts) just as being only that, and not a sign to "escalate" into a frenzy of exaggerated reactions.  The wiser will use "perspective" to look and see what the most effective action is to handle those chemicals and to get back to a higher state of resourcefulness.