Credible, defined
The value of looking credible
How to look credible
    Some reducers
    Some increasers
    Questions to ask
The cost of not looking, or being, credible
The value of being credible
     An examples
     The benefits
Isn't it difficult?


Definition:  That can be believed; believable; reliable.

If a credible person asserts something, it is very likely to be believed.  If a credible person says "do business with me", then one is more likely to do business with that person, because you have removed the biggest barrier:  lack of trust (fear).


If you look credible, people will attribute credibility, believability to you and out of that they will be attracted to you and trust you (in the area that you are credible).

In my new career decision, many years ago, I decided I needed to have three things to be successful:

1.  Sufficient exposure to enough suitable clients (marketing)
2.  Differentiation from others as to why to use me, which included having them see my credibility so that they would have trust in my ability and my integrity.  Part of that was making sure I was at the highest level of knowledge to serve my clients.
3. Educating the clients so they could see what would work, removing the fear barriers.  (Leaving fear in the mix creates crazy thinking and part of that might be doubts about one's credibility.)

My career success speaks for itself, going to the top rapidly.  If you wish, scan About Keith

The bottomline: If you look credible, you'll be attractive and gain the trust of others such that you can achieve more of what you want. (But note that you cannot maintain the image of being credible over the long term is you are not actually credible.)


As in other things, add more of that which works and remove that which doesn't work, kind of a 'duh' statement, one so obvious that it is indisputable - but many people don't follow that incredibly simple, but credible, principle.

Some reducers of looking credible, suggesting what might be worth changing:

Not doing any one (or more) of the items that add to credibility
Looking undisciplined:  overweight, not dressed well, poor habits
Looking worried, tired, not sharp:  Bags under the eyes reduce credibility, even 
   looking old (connotes loss of vitality and sharpness
Being discovered to not actually being credible.
Not clearing up possible assumptions that people might make about your not being
Salesy type behavior
An accent that suggests being dumb (some southern drawls), lazy, and/or too
   aggressive or untrustworthy (a strong New York accent).

Increasers of looking credible:

Stating your commitment to integrity and doing what will work for people.
Definiteness, strength in gestures, posture, walking
Attentive listening.
Precision in one's speaking voice, excellent use of words
Keeping promises, precisely and well.  Showing up on time, or ahead of time.
Symbols of being knowledgeable:  Degrees, excellent grades, a quality environment/facility,

Of course, you can add to these lists on your own and/or with others. 

I suggest that you absolutely ask others, as they will come up with additional ideas but also see some things that are invisible or denied by you.  Of course, pick people who will be frank and who are actually observant and knowledgeable.

Questions to ask, after setting up the reason you are asking:

    What would make me look more credible? 
    What about me reduces my credibility?


It should be obvious that if you are not actually credible, it'll be discovered at some point and you'll be considered less reliable, less attractive to be with.  But is you don't have integrity, worst of all, you'll know it.  You'll lose.  It'll cost you, big time!

Of course, not looking credible will lose you some business or trust or some material benefits or cooperation, and definitely some friends or at least some of their trust. 

But the cost of not looking credible pales in comparison to the cost of losing credibility with yourself.  The cost of self doubt and not being able to rely on yourself to handle that which makes up life is immense, in terms of self-respect and in terms of increased anxiety, stress, and the damage to one's health. 


An Example In Action

My air of credibility (and trustworthiness) from my confidence that I would absolutely only do what I thought was best for my client was returned in kind.  People were more trustworthy with me. 

New and old clients alike would do what they promised me and what I asked, trusting them to mail me the checks and not having to do like many of the others in my office who had to do alot of follow up and convincing and then redeeming the "sale" because of "buyer's remorse."  I had virtually no cases of lack of follow through.

The Benefits

The benefits are invaluable, beyond measure, for the benefits are what humans tend to value the most. 

Being "in integrity" is a component underlying being credible with oneself.  Acting consistent with integrity and being credible tells the primitive brain that you can be relied on to come through, which dramatically reduces one's anxiety about how things will turn out.  If you keep on practicing, you can attain the freeing up of energy and the other benefits of being fearless.  This will immensely change the quality of your life, such that the quality of life you achieve would seem impossible to a person without such integrity.

Not having to be concerned about one's credibility with oneself frees up an enormous amount of energe, which can then be directly to what you really want in life, instead of always having to clean up your messes from not being in integrity.  Being in integrity also causes one to use the freed up energy with greater directness and effectiveness. 

Relationships will work better and/or less badly. 

Others will be inspired by you and at least have a good model from which to create better lives for themselves. 


But isn't it hard to be credible, to be "in integrity". 

But you might ask:  "Do I have to be perfect? And it seems so hard!"   

First of all, one is not "in integrity" with reality or what works in life, if one expects perfection, so forget being perfect, but do try your best, of course.

And, once you are on the path and the more and more you act in integrity, the easier and easier it is as it them becomes automatic (habituated).  And automaticity is one of the great sources of power.  (Enter automaticity into the search engine.)
is not "in integrity".