Go placidly amid the noise and haste...keeping perspective
Viewing life from 50,000 feet up
Empowering self conversations
Seems a worthy objective (D'ya think?!!!).
What follows in this piece is an attempt to persuade you to do what is necessary to implement a time perspective.
I have also attempted to clarify the thinking and thus the self "conversation" that I might use to converse with myself to make better tradeoffs for the long term, and thus have greater total benefits over my lifetime. That piece is The Long Term Benefits Conversation. (Perhaps the greatest challenge mankind has?)
The #1 priority for management of your life is always to keep perspective, rather that get caught down in the detail, in the short term impulses, anxiety and the busyness. ( Indeed the least perspective is that of feeling like a little person who is subject to fears and anxieties, not able to peek his/her head above the chaos of emotions.)
When you keep perspective you are in control, you know what is important, and you're sure to think things out, while in a rational productive state. That is the polar opposite of anxiety. It is power, a sense of control, confidence in oneself, a producer of fulfillment, and much more.
Without daily (just a bit), weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, five years and lifetime planning and overviews, one is deep down in the muck. So, as part of your time management, you'll utilize the Planning section.
The strategies we will use here are:
Planning from a higher perspective (life overall, one's own life, time planning)
Setting aside perspective time
Habit reformulation one small step at a time
Address the source of the anxiety, lack of perspective, busyness
Correcting our beliefs about this.
Installing empowering statements
I like David Allen's metaphor in his top value book Making It All Work, but I believe it is useful to start from 100,000 feet up, so one sees the whole world (and life overall!). At this level we're dealing with what is in the realm of the philosophical, but hopefully not in the esoteric but rather in the practical. Seeing life overall for what it is is the first step "from the top down".
It is part of building life from the top down, looking at the overall "architectural" plan in terms of life without the fears running it. What kind of a beautiful, magnificent life mansion do we want to build?
It is ultimately more powerful than any of the specifics you can do, the strategies you derive, the changing of fear beliefs, etc. and etc. The latter are used in "building life from the bottom up." The perspective on life itself is what will permit you to bring in more of what is effective at the bottom or lower levels, as you'll have more openness and perspective from which to choose the details for what works in life.
Working diligently on your Philosophy Of Life has the greatest rewards, from clarifying and accepting death and what we do to needlessly create suffering to what works in life overall. It is the very foundation up which your life can be built - its strength and its "size" will determine how magnificent your life mansion can be, for we must built from the bottom up.
Pick, or add your own, whatever might be helpful to you.
"I pause right now and take a deep breath and let it out with a slight sigh, relaxing, releasing. All is fine..."
"I choose not to be hurried.. how much stress is worth it? I stand for myself and my life being in control and in peace."
I'll just do this, as it is what I need to do. And it'll soon be over and won't mean a thing and I'll be happy......
I will spend the necessary time to do what is important for me and not sweat the small stuff. Some things may not get done, but I will always be calm and cool about it. I am the master of my ship and I choose what to do, without feeling any pressure or any need for perfection. I will steer my ship well enough and all will be well.
I'm ok, there's plenty of time. I need merely choose.
There is no hurry, Pace yourself!
I notice I am rushing. I need not rush...
I am fine right now. If I don't do this or if I do this right now, it makes a miniscule difference in my life. There is no threat here. I have my mountain of haves and I am in control of my life.
I choose to do what will make my life better and this is my choice. And in choosing it, I choose not to do something else, but I can't do two things at once. I am losing nothing by not doing the other item