Quick "time saved" payback effect. The time cost in the first place is less than you think.
You actually push aside very low value activities (and some harmful or wasteful activities), If you invested 7 hours, but pushed aside 4 hours that would have been wasted, you only spent an additional net of 3 hours (but on what is the most valuable things in life!).
You would eliminate "inefficient learning", such as sporadically, randomly reading articles on making life better but which have so little depth and which you are likely to just read but do no followup harvesting. Accordingly, you would just be taking a side trip to get nothing from, other than brief hope or the illusion of "possible progress".
ALL people who follow the learning programs become more productive with their time in all areas of their life - they produce more value for the time spent in anything - you "sharpen up".
Fairly early on, in a matter of a few months, you permanently are 'ahead" in terms of hours, AND you are operating more effectively and not wasting or underutilizing many hours - such that you end up with more net free hours available to do more things that you value.
Increases occur as you go, not just all of a sudden at the end!
You become more skillful in whatever you are working on (of course), so you are more productive and happier about that..
Simultaneously, as proven by studies, the rest of your life elevates and you operate more effectively - not because you've worked on the other areas but as a side effect from having improved in the area you are working on.
"Emotionally" you feel better, stronger, more confident, while worry and stress decline (because you begin to "know" that you will handle things better in life - one of the vital 4 components necessary for happiness.
Your energy improves and you have more of it to fully experience being fully alive.
You, as you learn and are exposed to "what works in life", or in a specific area of life, become "wiser". Since "wisdom" is knowing how to operate effectively in life, you "see" things better and more clearly, you feel more powerful, you have a high perspective on life and on people (and you are much more accepting and noncritical)
Your long term investment grows and "compounds"
As with wisdom and specific skills, you are not only enjoying the fruits of your gains as you go, but you find yourself reaching higher and higher levels of life that you are permanently living at.
Confidence, on a realistic,solid founcation, becomes super strong, which is a good feeling that is a part of being happy, but it also dramatically reduces, and can eliminate, anxiety, worry, and stress. You are fully in charge of your life such that your choices are such that yoor life is exponentially elevated.
Commit, please, to making this your path and to live the life that has you on the path of living the greatest life, as you go, not just at the "end".