__ I am grateful for life.
__ I am grateful for even problems and realize that is all part of life.
__ I am grateful. I practice being grateful. Grateful is the essence of who I am.
__ I am grateful for all the basics of life and for everything else that I have that I
__ Note that I can be humble and grateful.
__ Thank you universe
__ Thank you for giving me a life.
__ Thank you for giving me a gift of 24 hours.
__ For just the opportunity for life, no matter how it is going.
__ A life of wonder.
__ The peace and wonder underneath it all.
__ For the well spring of hope and gratitude and insightful awakening…
__ For being able to fill up moments with warmth and love, allowing things to be exactly as they are.
__ Just being alive is “big stuff” and the ability to experience is big stuff - everything else is just “stuff”.
__ For time.
__ For having so much time given to me and for the ability to choose to do with it what I will.
__ For being able to hold a baby.
__ The miracle of life.
__ Every breath.
__ Every step is a miracle.
__ This is a world of infinite wonder and possibility.
__ I am in awe of this wonderful thing called Life!
__ I have the opportunity to try a bunch of things in life.
__ I get to learn lots of lessons.
__ I say Yes to life. And life says yes to me.
__ I am privileged to be here.
__ I am grateful for the challenges I face and for the strength and compassion they help me build.
__ I am grateful for this moment and for the next and for each moment in life. I cherish them. Thank you.
__ For a magical life.
__ For the miracle.
__ Life is a gift.
__ And my job is to learn to receive it.
__ For being able to have life consist of 80% of this, or 50% or anything above 0%…
__ Everything I choose to experience this lifetime is for my ultimate Highest Good.
__ For the unique opportunities to practice love and forgiveness, to learn about myself at deeper levels.
__ I love the awesome design of life.