Top Workbooks: Recommended that one goes through and follows the Principle of Completion for best results.
The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook For Depression, A Step-By-Step Program, William J. Knaus,
Ed. D.- Take the depression inventory
Successful Problem Solving - A Workbook To Overcome The Four Core Beliefs That Keep You
Stuck - Matthew Mckay, Ph. D. and Patrick Fanning - One of the very best I've ever seen!
The four core beliefs:
I'm incompetent.
I'm unworthy.
I'm not safe.
Others' needs are more important, mine aren't.
When these are unraveled and replaced, alot of the other beliefs that keep one feeling bad will
seem to magically disappear, as they will no longer have supporting pillars.
The Depression Workbook - A Guide For Living With Depression And Manic Depression, by
Mary Ellen Copeland, M.S., M.A. - Excellent exercises that will pull one out of depression
and get rid of the type of thinking that causes it. It is very rare that there will be a permanent
might look like it is implying that depression is a way of life, which it isn't, unless, of course,
there's a physical thing - then it can be managed effectively through medicine and you can
use happiness techniques to actually be happy. (The author had depression 25 years ago.)
Useful Reading
Depressed And Anxious, The Dialectic Behavior Therapy Workbook For Overcoming Depression And Anxiety, by Thomas Marra, Ph.D. - Adds a few useful insights and ways of looking at things differently. - Per a respected mind: "One of the few websites that seems to make any sense (all about directed thinking...)."