With these, we put ourselves in a cage, with judgment and negativity.  With the acceptance statements we tell a truth (or something that could possibly be true, at least more than the cage statement!). 

I would recommend you memorize the acceptance and truth statements as part of your internal conversation, as a must - as one cannot afford to keeping on repeating the cage statements.

This is a follow-on reference from "Acceptance", which you should read first. 




I’m incomplete.

I can’t handle this.  I can’t do it.  I’m incapable.

I’ve got to protect my beliefs, personality, image..

This shouldn’t be happening, I shouldn’t be feeling this.

“I will be so unhappy if
[              ] happens.”

“I am bad, inferior for making mistakes.”

“I am flawed, not good enough, not worthy.”

“I’m hurting.  I can’t stand these feelings.”

“If I don’t get approval from those people, I’ll be devastated.”

“I’ve got to achieve more.”

“I must have more pleasure and more material things and comforts.”

I am complete. And life is worth living.

I am totally self-sufficient, yet human.  I can create all I need. I have power over my life.

I am simply he who is aware, is experiencing.  I am not my “stories”. 

I feel compassion for all I see happening within me and outside of me.

“I am happy with life.  I have so many things to be grateful for.  No matter what happens, I am well off at my core.  I am powerful and I know I can create my own happiness.”

“Everybody, including me, does the best he can at the time given the current limits of his awareness .  Accordingly, the problem is not the person , it is the lack of awareness. Therefore, the solution lies in increasing the awareness.” 

We are all imperfect and that’s ok.  That’s life.  There’s nothing good or bad about it.

“I can love and nurture this feeling and the child within me.  And my unconditionally loving higher self can always take care of me.”

“I am my own best friend and my higher self provides the key love I need.”
“I am as good as I am and if someone else doesn’t agree that is just their viewpoint and way of thinking.  If that person really knew me, he/she would very likely like me.”

“Who is to say how much achievement I should have.  I am OK at all levels.”

“I am fine as I am.  The important thing is for me to develop my strengths and things I can be proud of.”

I have nothing to be incomplete about.  I am as I am and nothing more is needed.  There is no one who can set a true standard; it would only be made up and “anyway, who sez?”  

I am powerful and able to create all I need in terms of survival things and happiness.

I am not that which I’ve created.  I am strictly the Source.

I completely accept and love myself with great compassion, as I know I can only do the best I know how within the current limits of my awareness. 

The truth is that I can control and create my happiness.  I am in charge here and fully capable

There is no valid reason for blame or judging anybody right/wrong or good/bad.  I simply do the best I know how and things turn out how they turn out and, at the base, I am always well off, able to experience the incredible, miraculous things about this life!!!!

Those concepts simply contain no truth.  I am powerful and able to create what I need.  And that’s it.

I only feel those feeling because of made-ups that invalidate me.  Since they are untrue, they will no longer be accepted as real and cannot affect me any more. 

I do not need their approval, as I am fully capable of surviving on my own.  I have the power to create my own happiness, no matter what

I don’t need to do more to survive and I don’t need anyone’s approval to survive and be happy

I don’t believe in the myths we’ve made up.  I can create contentment and happiness with very little.  I have no unfilled needs and I see to that.