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Form for sharing information with doctor
Mini Treatment-Checklist (to post for reminders)
Sinuses are a drainage system, so it makes sense to keep them draining. There is no advantage in keeping mucus in the body; and keeping mucus around is a breeding ground for bacterial infections.
The primary objectives for treatment of sinusitis are reduction of swelling, eradication of infection, draining of the sinuses, and ensuring that the sinuses remain open
Principle: treat it directly instead of general body (antibiotic pills circulate in the entire body, but may not be potent enough in the sinus area as there is little blood flow in the area)
See Colds, Sinuses write-up, as it includes some items you can use for sinuses.
Lots of water, as it dilutes and loosens mucus. Add lemon to the water to have it be more effective. Lemonade is good, but limit the sugar! Hot lemon flavored green tea is good.
Hot liquids are very helpful
Deep breathing
Believe it or not, this unnatural act that is the opposite of what you feel like, is good for you. It never hurts to oxygenate the lungs and it often helps loosen some mucus, too. Breath in as deeply as you can
Definitely exercise, as that will keep your health up plus it is the only way for your lymph system to flow! Several times a day is a good idea, to the limits that are appropriate for you. Yogic and other types of stretching, several times a day, are beneficial.
Sinus headache
Jalapeno pepper.
Use decongestants. (Caution is needed when using decongestant pills, especially if a person has a history of heart disease or high blood pressure. These adrenaline-like medications can cause a rapid heart rate or increased blood pressure.) A nasal spray (i.e. neosynephrine, oxymetazoline) will often give relief. However, these sprays should not be used for more than a few days since they can cause even more congestion when their effect wears off.
Antihistamines might not be a good idea in chronic sinusitis, as it thickens mucus, making it harder to drain out from the sinuses(!). (Your doctor may be running a race between relieving your sinus pressure by reducing histamines versus allowing for drainage.)
Use expectorants, maximally per directions if needed.
Nasal spray corticosteroids can be used to reduce the inflammation; most effective!
Acetaminophen or ibuprofen can relieve some of the headache symptoms, so you can operate better and feel better, which may cause you to exercise more and be more active (which is healing). Note that there are side effects if you use them too often. Consult your physician, for sure!
These should be doctor and/or pharmacist approved before using.
Foods, supplements
Chicken soup may have some anti-inflammatory benefits.
Pau d'Arco - Fights fungus common to sinusitis
Facial steaming
Use a facial steaming device.
Steam for about 10 minutes. As it cools, you should feel mucus dripping down the back of your throat for about 2 minutes (ok to clear it out by clearing throat and spitting the solution into a sink or other receptacle. Recommended 2-4 times a day, when it is severe - whatever it takes until it is clear.
You can watch tv while it is being done, so it is not so boring. Just put it on a table where it is convenient to watch tv.
Using the "essential oil" peppermint could be helpful.
Heat to sinuses, body
Expands sinuses and often allows more drainage.
Using a wash cloth soaked in hot water, soak your forehead and nose with this hot water compress.
Convenient, held on by a strap around the head, heatable in 45 seconds:
Hot steamy showers and hot baths are always helpful (to get things moving).
Keep it moisturized, saline nasal irrigation
Nasal sprays of saline solution.
Facial and sinus bath:
Dip your face into a large bowl, inserting a few drops of the solution. Antifungal and anti-bacterial virucidal (not an antibiotic, which is what you'd see your doctor for.
Nasal rinse
Neil-med rinse
Mix 1 teaspoon of table, Kosher, or sea salt with 2 cups of warm water.
Nebulizers for direct treatment:
Endoscopic surgery
Polyps and blockages that persist must be cleared out.
Medical treatments for higher level problems
See the medical resources below.
What appears to be standard protocol is using corticosteroids to get rid of blockages in the nose plus antibiotics. Antibiotics have trouble getting to the sinuses as there is no blood flow through them. Treatments can involve months of antibiotics.
People have reported huge success with the "big daddy" of all treatments: A super antibiotic strategy of the "z-pack", which is only 7 days, plus prednazone steroid.
As with all medications, there are presumably some potential bad side effects.
Not for medical advice, as you should see your doctor for all medical problems. This is a collection of ideas for your use.
FORM FOR SHARING INFORMATION WITH DOCTOR (To print it, highlight this section, then go to "print" under your "file" on your browser, select "selection", and then press "print". Or highlight this section and paste it into a word document, so you can keep a record in your computer.)
Name: ___________________________ Date: ___________
Color: Clear Green Yellow
Consistency: Thick Watery
Sinus headaches:
Frequency: Infrequent; ___ times a day
Severity: Scale of 1 to 10:
Mild (1 2 3) Medium (4 5 6 7) Painful (8 9 10)
Other sinus pain:
Location: Eyes Nasal passages Upper teeth
Frequency: Infrequent; ___ times a day
Severity: Scale of 1 to 10:
Mild (1 2 3) Medium (4 5 6 7) Painful (8 9 10)
Down back of throat
Frequency: Infrequent; ___ times a day
Severity: Scale of 1 to 10:
Mild (1 2 3) Medium (4 5 6 7) Painful (8 9 10)
Forces a cough
Throat irritation
Frequency: Infrequent; ___ times a day
Severity: Scale of 1 to 10:
Mild (1 2 3) Medium (4 5 6 7) Painful (8 9 10)
Chest congestion
Can't breathe deeply Feel wheezing
Frequency: Infrequent; ___ times a day; ___ consistently
Severity: Scale of 1 to 10:
Mild (1 2 3) Medium (4 5 6 7) Painful (8 9 10)
Energy level:
Scale of 1 - 10, 1 being low: ____; Frequency: Infrequent; ___ times a day
Fever, cold shivers
Frequency: Infrequent; ___ times a day
Severity: Scale of 1 to 10:
Mild (1 2 3) Medium (4 5 6 7) Painful (8 9 10)
Measured at: ____ degrees, date: _________; ____ degrees, date: _________
____ degrees, date: _________; ____ degrees, date: _________
Allergic to:
Seasonally: _____ Duration, which months: ________________________
Constant: Mites Dust Foods: ____________________________
Situational: Animals Other: ______________
How treated:
Decongestants: ___ Frequency per day, dose: ____ per ______
Antihistamines: ________________,
___ per ___ frequency, dose: ___ per ______
Saline nasal spray: frequency ______; number of squirts per ____
Corticosteroid spray: frequency ______; number of squirts per ____
Nasal rinses: __________________ ; frequency: __________
Heat compresses: ____; duration: ____ minutes; frequency: __________
Steam inhaler: ____; duration: ____ minutes; frequency: __________
What has been done to limit the allergies and/or allergic reactions:
Mite barriers: ____ mattress; ____ pillows
Air cleaner: Brand ___________; air volume cleaning capacity:
Number in household: ____ Adequate?: _____
Intense vacuuming, with sufficient vacuum
Possibly enclose a copy of Colds, Sinuses with items used circled and a copy of the upper part of this page, circling what you use and/or items for discussion. 2 copies, one for the doctor, one for you.
MINI TREATMENT CHECKLIST: Print (highlight the selection, then under file/print select "selection" and print that), post on mirror.
Drink lots, lemon, hot liquids, soup
Deep breathing
Exercise, stretching, 2+/day
Hot, spicy foods, peppers
Saline nasal spray
Facial bath, nasal rinse, 2+/day
Facial steaming, 2+/day
Hot sinus compresses, sinus packs
Hot shower, bath
C, antioxidants dosages, vitamins
Symptoms such as facial tenderness, dizziness, migraine-like headaches, mucous discharge, and congestion can all be treated with a combination of an analgesic (ibuprofen) and a decongestant (pseudoephedrine). The analgesic will ease the pain and reduce swelling, while the decongestant will help thin out the mucous and open up the blockages causing the problem in the first place.