In time management and in overall management of one's life, one must have a "Capture" system to capture what is needed to operate effectively. See Capture It All.
You can use the Master Notebook (a simple spiral bound) for multiple functions.
You simply record the date at the bottom of a page you write on, plus you can add a function name, such as:
Notes (I don't add that as I know a page not labeled otherwise must be notes).
Don't include more than one topic per page, so that you can pull out and organize
the pages in, say, a file, for later handling (or to scan it into Evernote).
Capture an idea, devise a plan, make a decision, etc., but label what it is, at the
bottom of the page.
Meeting notes is a major function, plus notes on a phone conversation
Journal (which can be referred back to by date, or the pages can be taken out and put into a journal notebook or file)
The recording of thoughts/problems, etc., is a sort of a "journal" function. This is where you can record "the left side of the page" with your thoughts/beliefs/behaviors that you are engaging in that you might want to reexamine and reformulate, using the right side of the page to provide an enlightened, self-advising, objective, wise, compassionate addressing of the issues. This is part of the Internal Conversations methods and the Beliefs Changing protocols. Since this is always with you, recording such things is easy and convenient - doing this is a vital facilitator for a vital function.
To Dos and Reminders: I put these at the back page and then go backwards, adding (and dating) a continuation of the reminder/todo list and/or a daily planning/todo list, so I can find what I need to transfer/buy, etc., easily by looking at the todo/reminder lists.
See the Rules, in the inserted textbox.
The Master Notebook is really the Master Capture System.
The little notebook
The little pocket size notebooks are what I use when I must go somewhere where it is too awkward to have the big notebook, though I carry the master notebook wherever I can.
The instant recorder
I use my smartphone to conveniently dictate something when I am driving or otherwise can't enter it in the notebooks.
Date each page at bottom and subject (so can flip through)
In the back of the notebook and going backward in use of pages, list items you want to follow up on, with date of entry. You can refer to relevant notes by using the date of the page of the notes. Do all tickles as to when you'll follow up during your daily clearing of the to do list. Clearing refers to transferring what you need to, for followup and/or reference.
Clear all items daily
Your daily tickle list will have the clearing of the notebook on it.
It is best, though you could do it on a less frequent basis if you choose, to take from the notebook at least weekly, those items that you want to group into a folder or notebook, so that they are more usable and retrievable (by subject, etc., rather than being left in an distinguished blob in the notebook).
If you are not clearing them daily, then you are relegating them to the dust heap, never to be seen again and therefore useless. Throw the pages away. Also if you're not processing them, consider screening more up front "will I ever really use this?" (i.e. access it).