Take 15 minutes daily[2] to think of everything you can. Do your best to get 20 ideas. Do the last columns later, but not during the 15 minutes[3]. Any crazy idea[4] is ok in brainstorming. Be creative!
Challenge[5]: |
IDEAS (Later:) |
Use? |
given |
Target date |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
___ Tickled to look at this list again: ____/____/____. 105-70
___ Followed up by consulting with _______________________ on ____/____/____.
___ Necessary items tickled for follow-up
[1] Place in Current Year Planning Book, tabbed: Ideas
[2] Do this daily until you have 30-50 of these filled in.
[3] Be sure you finish, or tickle to finish, these at least during your weekly planning.
[4] You are encouraged to put down “way out” or crazy ideas, for sometimes these lead to more creative thinking and solutions that are “out of the box”, often leading to great breakthroughs in productivity.
[5] Always state in terms of the outcome desired, even though there is a breakdown or problem being experienced. Examples might be: To defend the legal suit successfully, to find an excellent partner, to successfully make a career change, to create the best out of my current job, to improve things at my workplace…There are major challenges (such as to reach a bigger, overall goal) and there are sub-challenges suggested by some of the items listed in the ideas for that major goal – you would convert any of those to challenges where you want to generate ideas to reach that subgoal. Eventually these ideas come together into an incredible master plan that will enhance your life into the masterpiece it can be.
[6] Use either a 1 = top priority or a A,B,C in importance and a 1,2,3 in urgency. A = very important and productive or crucial, B = Important, productive, C = Somewhat productive, D = Not so productive but possibly includible (but not recommended). 1 = Urgent, must be done real soon or before another item, 2 = Fairly soon, 3 = Not really urgent