What does it look life and how do I get there?
Start with inredible (sufficient) equipment and sufficient support and have "the world", aka "enough"
Appreciate it, not buy into false threats thinking...
Play a game that is fun and fulfilling (add value for yourself...) taking care of self as you go so you can enjoy it fully.
TV or not TV, that is the question... but what else will I do for fun, to relax?
Beliefs: but it's so hard, not enought time, no fun... self sacrifice
no, get rewards as you go
how get there? Not in current knowing level, for sure. more likely to give up and go watch tv.
Start with an exact model and then modify it to what works for you - don't start from vaguness and no form...
Add value
Remove detractors (causes of suffering - thinking, habits)
Happiness now + Happiness in the future
Reap now - do what provides value
function well (systems
Invest now Reap return
Physical health
Emotional health (healthy thinking)
What I value
Fulfillment (feel good about what I am doing)
Feeling good about myself (able to produce outcomes want, no threats, sufficient certainty
about my life is good
about the world has enough in it for me to reap good benefits, it works...
What is working
What is not working well (zero tolerance commitment)
Do you have any of these problems? (hieracrchy of problems - telling the difference....impt, not impt proper evaluation (prioritization).
Other ones not listed above, see more detailed list: Physical problems
Career, money making