__ I do not engage in black and white thinking and I am very well versed in and able to avoid the thinking errors.
__ I consider the tradeoffs and do not see my viewpoint as the "right" one, without honoring the logic and values of the other side. especially in emotional issues I am passionate about.
__ I do not believe that the other side has bad motives and/or is evil.
__ I only form my opinion after engaging in assuring it is based on actually facts and excellent reasoning.
__ I never call the other side names nor exaggerate their "badness" and my "goodness". We are all just humans trying our best, within the limits of our awareness.
__ When I recognize my primitive instinct to get upset even in situations that are not involving actual imminent danger, I stop and realize that it is not an emotional issue and is not about being right. I calm myself and return to "my senses" (thinking) in order to determine what to do, if anything, and what will work for progress. In many cases, I recognize that there is nothing that I can actually do that will cause progress, so I do not speak of it. I certainly do not make the upset of others greater by engaging in argument or righteousness.