Look at the sidebar to the right to pick programs and suggestions.
1. Briefly scan this page for an overview
3. Pick a program or programs, as a path to follow.
Alternative plan - Note that an alternative "plan" is to go to the "contents/links" page for any one topic and to read the pieces, in order, as if reading a book that carries you to completing your understanding and mastery of a piece of life. (Use the SiteMap or enter in the search engine the topic name and add "contents links".)
Identify something you want to achieve via using a systematic program that you can follow, one that is very efficient. With this, you will gain life skills that will be a permanent part of you, usable for a lifetime of happiness - an unlosable part of you, a part of "the build".
Also relevant for overviews and navigation:
Being reorganized and filled in. Meanwhile go to the relevant section and read the list in the contents for each section.
Will you commit to learning systematically and from experts or will you default to random learning from non-expert sources?
Consider the systematic learning plans and where you want to start: Level I through IV (mastery). The section suggests a possible order in which you would learn "life".
Right now, you can go to each topic's contents/links page and you have a listing of what to read (and choose from) that will ground you in the area, along with implementation materials.
FOLLOW THIS ORDER You can break away at any point to explore.
After scanning the learning modules structure, read this for an overview before going to the details and actually structuring a program or picking a module to start with.
The Certifications Of Completion: To be clear and definite and to acknowledge completion, direct evidence (and monitoring) is necessary. Implemented to assure you've done the actions.
Scan this before reading the discussion below. It provides a sequence you can use and a structure for determing the level you want to go (note that you can start at a lower level and then return to use the higher level).
Explore: Just go to the linked sections in the Learning Modules, Overall Structure, below, to
1) Pick your level and
2) Start a program or a quikread.
The Great Cost Of Learning Life Randomly
We can learn life randomly and from not-so-good sources, but it is
1. Selling ourselves short, and, indeed,
2. Wasting much of life and
3. Lowering the quality of life and
4. Leaving unused our great potential for higher, more enduring happiness.
Ironically, quite a few people believe that learning life randomly actually works. But strong, irrefutable evidence shows that that doesn't work.
The Huge Payoff Of Systematic Learning Via Experts
Instead, we propose that you learn life in a systematic, efficient, straight-forward way AND from well-screened/selected expert sources! (You might want to read the quick discussions at TheLifeUniversity.Com, at least the front page.)
Also, it will pay to be clear on what gets results and what doesn't in learning life-skills. So, read Skills Development To Genius Is Simple to learn what it really takes and how doable it is - if you're willing to just go throught The Completion Process. The latter refers to the payoff in finishing all of what is needed - at some point, I hope you'll read that piece and be convinced of how it will change your life.
The payoff is that you'll be a "life expert" operating from wisdom and knowledge from only experts so that you can effectively live a life of unconditional happiness and satisfaction, avoiding the Suffering And Struggle that we all experience before actually really learning life .
Thus, The Reason For This Site
I believe that I can contribute immensely to your achieving high wisdom and operating knowledge
Via a systematic learning program that
will save you time
while providing a highly effective path.
Thus, this site. Just pick your interest and then the level of learning to do right now - and then do it! Then pick the next item - and do it!
Or pull together a sequence (plan) of which items and what level - and just follow that program.
The need for funding to further and speed up the process
My hope also is that we can add to it through the funding of The Life Management Alliance.
Life will become greater, more satisfying, and happier
Life as you know it will absolutely become greater and more satisfying and you'll be happier.
We pull together the relevant summaries for you and then supplement them with relevant readings that are pre-screened with established proven experts.
And we add possible workshops, classes, and other resources to use.
A very quick way of getting a "feel" for all of this is to simply go to each area of interest (preferably in the order of the overall structure above) and read the key pieces that are segregated for your quick overview (and capitalized and bolded). With a few designated exceptions, these are usually only 2 to 5 pages at the most.
In a relatively short amount of time, you can increase your Life Wisdom dramatically - and make much more intelligent, informed decisions about what to do in life and how to live it! Takes very little time compared to the benefits - and it's PRICELESS!
Right now, you can go to each topics contents/links page and you have a listing of what to read (and choose from) that will ground you in the area, along with implementation materials. See "Site Map" for a listing of the contents/links sections.
I. Basic Essentials
II. Developing Some Expertise
III. Becoming Excellent In The Area
These modules can be moved around to fit the situation, though the essential grounding should be first. (The links are usually to a learning plan page on that subject. Otherwise they go to the subject page, with a subsection for the learning module. Use the site's search engine!)
NEEDS - Test to see key needs - Simple ones, level I, level II, level III. Helps to determine priorities and the order in which you'll do the learning. However, it is a good idea to gain perspective on life by reading the QuikView Overall Life Summary Modules - see Why Read The Summary Modules First.
Follow the basic structure below, using the search engine for now to get to each section. We'll have a Word page set up later with all the links.
LEARNING - Why bother, the benefits, time vs. value. It is vital to be clear about this!
ESSENTIAL GROUNDING SUBJECTS - Should do these first, as they are underlying basics.
How the physical mind works
How the physical body works
How time works - Managing where you put your time. See also Using Your Strengths.
Overall basics of overall life in a super-summary
Success in anything - Depends on these actions and principles.
BASIC LIFE SKILLS - Vital to know to function better, easier, and more effectively in all of life.
Problem-solving/decision-making - This skill greatly improves one's life!
Learning and thinking - Without these, life is lived at a much lower level!
Discipline - Not the hard, but the practical and effective without being
Partnering for better life management
Leveraging oneself in specific areas for greater ease and/or success
What actually produces happiness - And what doesn't, so you ought
to stop those.
Beliefs and a philosophy of life that support you strongly for a happy
Values and standard
Emotion management
Reactive emotions
Disabling or distracting emotions
Anxiety, worry, fear, stress elimination (virtually)
Self power
Practices and principles
The right partner for you
You as the right partner
Making the relationship work
Being a good/great parent
Social, friends of great quality
Pick the sections of interest above and each will show you the items to do at whatever level you choose.